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Assisted suicide in Canada : moral, legal, and policy considerations
ISBN: 0774866020 9780774866026 Year: 2021 Publisher: Vancouver: UBC Press,

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In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the criminal laws prohibiting assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia. Parliament then implemented this ruling on medical assistance in dying (MAID) via Bill C-14, enshrining it in law. Yet debate on this controversial subject has continued.Assisted Suicide in Canada delves into key federal and provincial court rulings on MAID from 1993 to 2015 and explains subsequent legislative history. Travis Dumsday engages in an accessible yet nuanced exploration of the most significant ethical arguments – pro and con – and unravels the related legal and policy disputes. He delves into key federal and provincial court rulings on MAID from 1993 to 2015 and explains subsequent legislative history. Thorny issues such as freedom of conscience for health care professionals, public funding for MAID, and proposed extensions of eligibility are dealt with thoughtfully and clearly.The legalization of MAID will affect the lives, deaths, and attitudes of Canadians for generations to come. Assisted Suicide in Canada offers a balanced, up-to-date introduction to the topic, providing readers with the tools to think through fundamental legal, ethical, and policy issues surrounding assisted dying.Students and scholars of bioethics, legal ethics, medicine, and political science will find this thoughtful work invaluable, as will readers engaged with the ongoing debates and ethical issues surrounding MAID.

Etwas Besseres Als Den Tod : Aktuelle Regelung der Suizidbeihilfe und Ihre Auswirkungen Auf Die Ärzteschaft.
ISBN: 3110765659 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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En toute conscience
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ISBN: 9782413036890 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Editions Delcourt,

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À l'asso « En toute conscience », on milite pour le droit à l'euthanasie, mais on aide surtout dans l'illégalité totale ceux qui veulent abréger leur souffrance. Jusqu'au jour où débarque Vincent, 25 ans, qui veut en finir suite à un chagrin d'amour. Sidérés, ces vieux militants font mine d'accéder à sa requête, et sous couvert de l'aider à mourir, vont tout faire pour lui redonner goût à la vie.

La mort appréciée : L'assistance au suicide en Suisse
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782889011971 Year: 2021 Publisher: Lausanne : Antipodes,

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Scripting death
ISBN: 0520380223 9780520380226 9780520380202 9780520380219 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oakland, California

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How the legalization of assisted dying is changing our lives. Over the past five years, medical aid-in-dying (also known as assisted suicide) has expanded rapidly in the United States and is now legally available to one in five Americans. This growing social and political movement heralds the possibility of a new era of choice in dying. Yet very little is publicly known about how medical aid-in-dying laws affect ordinary citizens once they are put into practice. Sociological studies of new health policies have repeatedly demonstrated that the realities often fall short of advocacy visions, raising questions about how much choice and control aid-in-dying actually affords. Scripting Death chronicles two years of ethnographic research documenting the implementation of Vermont's 2013 Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act. Author Mara Buchbinder weaves together stories collected from patients, caregivers, health care providers, activists, and legislators to illustrate how they navigate aid-in-dying as a new medical frontier in the aftermath of legalization. Scripting Death explains how medical aid-in-dying works, what motivates people to pursue it, and ultimately, why upholding the "right to die" is very different from ensuring access to this life-ending procedure. This unprecedented, in-depth account uses the case of assisted death as an entry point into ongoing cultural conversations about the changing landscape of death and dying in the United States.

International perspectives on end-of-life law reform : politics, persuasion and persistence
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1108779360 1108801188 110848977X 1108808670 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Much has been written about whether end-of-life law should change and what that law should be. However, the barriers and facilitators of such changes - law reform perspectives - have been virtually ignored. Why do so many attempts to change the law fail but others are successful? International Perspectives on End-of-Life Law Reform aims to address this question by drawing on ten case studies of end-of-life law reform from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium and Australia. Written by leading end-of-life scholars, the book's chapters blend perspectives from law, medicine, bioethics and sociology to examine sustained reform efforts to permit assisted dying and change the law about withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. Findings from this book shed light not only on changing end-of-life law, but provide insight more generally into how and why law reform succeeds in complex and controversial social policy areas.

Vouloir mourir au XXIe siècle

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Grâce aux progrès scientifiques et technologiques, la médecine du XXIe siècle est en capacité de maîtriser les ressorts de la vie depuis ses origines et d'assurer un statut de « bien-être » à tout un chacun jusqu'au terme de son existence. Dans les sociétés occidentales, le vieillissement des populations se conjugue avec le recul de l'âge de la mort dans un mouvement paradoxal : vivre plus longtemps certes, mais à quel prix ? Si le handicap, les maladies grèvent les dernières années de vie, si la douleur et la perte d'autonomie conduisent certains à ne plus vouloir « de cette vie-là », quelles réponses propose notre société ? Le législateur a encadré ces situations d'impasse, pour proposer des issues, pour soulager le calvaire individuel ou familial, et accompagner dignement une (fin de) vie médicalement assistée. Entre sédation profonde et continue, arrêt de traitement, euthanasie et suicide assisté, les conjugaisons de la mort aux temps du soin se déclinent à l'envie, de la consultation d'obstétrique à la psychiatrie de la personne âgée. Cet ouvrage polyphonique et pluridisciplinaire interroge les évolutions médicales, juridiques, philosophiques, éthiques, sociologiques, en France et à l'étranger, dans ses rapports avec la mort provoquée… ainsi que les risques de continuer d'ignorer ce phénomène, ou d'envisager la fin de vie comme panacée de nos inquiétudes. C'est à ce carrefour éthique complexe et fragile que nous nous arrêterons pour éclairer les soubassements de la volonté de mourir et de ses accompagnements possibles, afin de poser les bases d'un dialogue résolument tourné vers l'humain dans ce qu'il a de plus universel

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